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Frequently Asked Questions
We have done our best to provide as much information on this website as possible. If you looked through the website and didn't find the answer to your question, have one more look. If you have scoured our site TWICE and still can't find the answer, browse through this list of frequently asked questions. If you STILL can't find the answer that you are looking for, just contact us through one of the mediums listed on the home page. I promise, we don't bite.
Are quads allowed to ride on the main track?
Yes rear-wheel drive, race specific quads are allowed to ride on the main track. Just keep in mind that you are twice as big as any other vehicle on the track, so please be courteous and use caution. No 4-wheel drive quads or UTV's are allowed on the main track unless specific permission is granted, however they are allowed in other areas of the facility such as the west pit.
What protective gear is required to ride at your facility?
The more protection the better! But at a minimum, a helmet; gloves; boots above the ankle.
Does the track close for the winter?
The track is open to riding year around, weather permitting. There has been many years where we celebrated New Years riding at the track. Please be aware, and check ahead with someone who can give you specific track conditions. Just because the forecast looks good doesn't mean the track is clear of ice and snow.
I just got a bike, now what?
Where do you want to start riding? Do you like camping and visiting the mountains? Email the club (or use the contact form on the Home page) and we will get you in touch with one of our off-road directors who can tell you everything you need to know about riding off-road in Alberta.
Interested in motocross, or just looking for a place to try out that new bike? Stop by Fas Gas in Raymond and grab a key for the day. If you like it, see our About page for information on becoming a club member.
The track has plenty of riding areas for brand new riders and we love seeing new faces around the track. Vehicle parking is along the main gravel road. Please stay off the grass and stick to existing paths.
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