Help keep our park safe and open! To ride at the park you must follow our rules. You can and will be asked to leave without a refund if you are found in violation of our rules.
Key Rules
You MUST wear a helmet whenever you are riding any motorized off road machine anywhere in the park. The more protective gear the better. But at minimum Helmet and boots above the ankles are required.
Riding slowly and safely in the parking areas or when outside of the fenced track areas.
Gate must be kept closed and locked at all times.
No alcohol or drugs are permitted in the park.
No doubling-one rider per bike.
Other Rules
Must adhere to the hours of operation which are in accordance to the county of warner bylaw #873-09 Hours of Operation Monday-Saturday 9am - 9pm and Sunday 10am - 7pm
Cease riding in the facility if there is a funeral in progress.
No riding across the grass. Please stick to already existing paths.
No riding on a track that has medical personnel on it or is closed for maintenance.
All riders under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian and be under their direct supervision
No 50cc dirt bikes or 50cc quads allowed on the main track.
Mini’s Track(Kids Track) is for dirt bikes and quads that are 50cc - 85cc or equivalent. No full size bikes or full size quads allowed.
Be careful when entering the tracks. Be sure to always enter at a safe location.
Be sure you always ride the tracks in the correct direction. If you are unsure ASK.
Obey all signs and instructions from any LMC staff or officials.
Watch out for slower rider and pass them carefully
Ride safely within your riding capabilities. Ride smooth and at a consistent pace.
If a faster rider is passing you, hold your line, do not zig-zag across the track to get out of the way. The faster rider is expected to go around you safely.
If you come across a downed rider: exit the course at a safe location. Then circle back to alert upcoming riders of the accident, wave them down from the side of the track. Once the area is safe from upcoming riders attend to the downed rider. Do not move the rider. Call for an ambulance. Do NOT continue riding the track. Track will remain Closed to riding until the injured rider is cleared from the track and emergency crew have left the track.
NO wheel to wheel competition.
No more than 15 motorcycles or 10 race Atv’s allowed on track at any given time.
Only rear-wheel drive, race specific quads are allowed to ride on the main track. Just keep in mind that you are twice as big as any other vehicle on the track, so please be courteous and use caution. NO 4-wheel drive quads or UTV's are allowed on the main track unless specific permission is granted, however they are allowed in other areas of the facility such as the west pit.
Drive vehicles slow at all times while in the park.
Do not litter. Please use the dumpster provided.
All pets must be kept on a leash at all times.
No Campfires
No Camping
Lethbridge Motorcycle Club Policies
We reserve the right to restrict or prohibit entry to anyone whose actions or behavior are deemed to warrant this action.
Anyone’s actions that are violent or abusive towards staff, volunteers or other patrons at the park may lead to ejection from the park. This will not be tolerated and may result in suspension of entry to the park.
Any refunds for fees, dues or purchases are at the discretion of the LMC board of directors.
LMC reserves the right to remove or dispose of any property that is left in our facility without permission.
Thank you for following our rules and keeping our park safe!